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Soviet-Era Secret Service Monument Vandalized In Kyiv

KYIV -- A monument to Soviet-era officers in Ukraine's secret services was vandalized in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, on the night of December 13, RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service reports.

Vandals destroyed part of a KGB officer's hat, damaged the face on the sculpture, and painted the eyes on the figure white.

The monument is in a square near the Lybidska subway station.

Video of the incident was also placed on the Internet.

Ukrainian Nationalists' Congress (KNU) member Mykola Kokhanivski, who was involved in damaging a Lenin monument in Kyiv earlier this year, told RFE/RL that he had nothing to do with this vandalism.

Konstyantyn Zatsarniy, the KNU's deputy chairman in Kyiv's Podil district, told RFE/RL that several underground nationalist groups and organizations are currently active in Kyiv and that such actions could become routine.