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Top Investigator Arrested In Belarus

MINSK -- A top Belarusian investigator who worked on high-profile corruption cases has been arrested, RFE/RL's Belarus Service reports.

Svyatlana Baykova, an investigator in the Prosecutor-General's Office, was arrested today by the Belarusian Committee for State Security (KGB).

The Belarusian Prosecutor-General's Office confirmed the arrest, but did not give any details.

At the time of her arrest, Baykova was engaged in probing corruption among high-rankling KGB personnel, including former KGB officer and customs official Anatol Hramovich.

She is also known for her active role in investigating a number of cases of corruption among police officers.

In 2000, Baykova began investigating the disappearance of former Interior Minister Yury Zaharanka. She was taken off that case in 2002. Zaharanka's whereabouts are still unknown.