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Turn-Ons? Sunsets And Long Walks On The Beach. Turn-Offs? The Regime

"Finding a spouse conforming to your standards: Iran Life"
Single people in Iran have a tough time finding their better halves.

As it is, religious restrictions in the Islamic republic make it difficult for young men and women to meet in public.

But finding a suitable mate may be about to get even harder.

According to the Iranian news agency FARS, the parliament’s judiciary commission says that those running dating websites in the country should face harsh penalties.

The committee’s spokesman, Farhad Tajari, said that the providers are committing a crime in running their allegedly immoral sites.

Last year, the popular partner-finding website, which means “Spouse Chat” in Farsi, was accused of promoting prostitution. After the presiding judge in the case consulted senior ayatollahs, the site was banned.

The URL now forwards users to, or Iran Life. Despite the less obvious name, it is also a dating site.

For how much longer, we can't be sure.

-- Richard Solash