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Kosovar Medics Receive COVID-19 Vaccinations In Albania

Kosovar Medics Receive COVID-19 Vaccinations In Albania
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Albania has started inoculating health workers from Kosovo. On March 20, about 200 Kosovar medics were bused to Kukes, an Albanian town close to the border with Kosovo, to get vaccinated against COVID-19. They received AstraZeneca vaccines that Albania had secured earlier this month. Kosovo is the only country in Europe that has not yet started to vaccinate its population. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has said that his country is ready to provide broader coronavirus-related assistance to Kosovo and that it was important to begin with the vaccination of health-care workers. Kosovo expects to receive more than 100,000 of its own AstraZeneca doses through the UN-backed COVAX program for poorer countries.