A rug woven by orphans of Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks nearly a century ago has been displayed at the White House Visitor's Center.
The so-called "Armenian Orphan Rug" was presented to then-President Calvin Coolidge in 1925 but has mostly sat in storage since the Coolidge family returned it to the White House in 1982.
Armenian-Americans want the U.S. government to acknowledge that the deaths of their ancestors constituted a genocide.
Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I.
But Turkey denies that the deaths were genocide.
Democratic Representative Adam Schiff said the rug is “a silent, beautiful rebuttal to those who deny the murder of a million and a half people."
Schiff was one of several members of Congress at the event on November 18.