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Belarusian Opposition Activist Jailed For Taking Part In Rally

BABRUISK, Belarus -- A leader of the opposition United Civic Party in eastern Belarus has been sentenced to 10 days of administrative detention for "violating the law on public gatherings," RFE/RL's Belarus Service reports.

Viktar Buzinayeu was found guilty on November 3 of participating in the opposition-organized People's Assembly in the eastern town of Babruisk on October 8, which was not sanctioned by local authorities.

Buzinayeu pleaded not guilty, saying the gathering was held in accordance with existing laws and regulations. He said the gathering was held as a town hall meeting, for which prior permission from the authorities is not required.

"People's assemblies" were held in many Belarusian towns and cities on October 8. Several organizers and participants in the gatherings have already been fined and/or sentenced to short terms in detention.

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