U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States and Russia are working together on a mechanism to ensure that any bombing in Syria is aimed only at recognized terrorist groups.
Kerry said at a news conference on February 29 that he talked with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and they agreed not to "litigate...in a public fashion" reports of violations of the cessation of hostilities put in place on February 27.
"We are going to track down each alleged violation and work even more now to put in place a construct which will help us to guarantee that missions are indeed missions against Nusra [Front] or missions against Daesh," Kerry said, using a slang name for the Islamic State group and referring to Al-Qaeda's affliliate in Syria.
The two recognized terrorist groups are not part of the cessation deal forged by the United States and Russia that has halted much of the fighting in Syria in recent days.
Teams from both nations will review each reported violation of the truce to determine if it was targeted against one of those groups, he said.