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Protesters Demand Kyrgyz Mayor Be Reinstated

JALAL-ABAD, Kyrgyzstan -- Some 200 people gathered today to protest the dismissal of the mayor of the southern Kyrgyz city of Jalal-Abad, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

Supporters of Maksatbek Jeenbekov staged a rally on the square in front of the Jalal-Abad municipal administration building.

Protesters set up a traditional yurt on the square and demanded that Jeenbekov be restored to his position.

The mayor was dismissed after it was discovered that in addition to being a Kyrgyz citizen, he also has a Russian passport.

Deputy Prime Minister Ibragim Junusov arrived in Jalal-Abad today to hold talks with Jeenbekov.

Jalal-Abad, the country's third-largest city with some 70,000 people, was the site of deadly clashes last summer between ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz.