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Moscow Manhunt For Highway Robbers, $5 Million Stolen From Kyrgyz Man

MOSCOW -- Moscow city police have launched an extensive search for a group of men who stole a large sum of cash from a Kyrgyz businessman while posing as policemen on April 26, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

A Moscow Interior Affairs Department (GUVD) spokesperson said that two men in police uniforms flagged down the two cars in which the businessman and his two bodyguards were travelling on the Moscow-Domodedovo highway.

Eight masked men then took a bag containing $5 million and 12 million Russian rubles ($430,000) in cash from the bodyguards. The robbers escaped in a Volkswagen minibus that was later found burned-out near Moscow.

The spokesperson said the businessman, whose surname was given as Omarov, sustained minor injuries and contacted the local police. He said Omarov has been living in Russia's Tambov Oblast for many years.

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