A Russian official says Moscow will analyze the possible consequences of new sanctions introduced by Ukraine.
Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich made the comment to the RIA news agency on September 17.
Ukraine extended or applied sanctions on more than 400 individuals and 90 legal entities on September 16 in response to a decision by separatist rebels in the east to set a date for "illegal elections."
Donetsk separatist leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko signed a decree to hold the elections starting on October 18.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said the rebels' action threatened the Minsk peace agreement signed in February.
Ukraine is set to hold local elections on October 25.
Under the Minsk agreement, local elections were meant to be held in separatist regions in the east along with the rest of the country.
The list of sanctioned individuals posted on the Ukrainian presidential website mentions members of Russia's parliament and senior rebel figures.
Companies affected include Russian airline Aeroflot, security company Kaspersky Lab, and banks Gazprombank and Bank of Moscow.