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Podcast: My Dad, The Dictator; Serbia Exports The Rule Book On Revolution; Iran's Brave Bloggers

Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his son Kolya meet with Pope Benedict at the Vatican in April 2009.
Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his son Kolya meet with Pope Benedict at the Vatican in April 2009.
In this week's episode, correspondent Daisy Sindelar looks at the personal side of polit
Grant Podelco
ics, examining the very public -- and very unusual -- relationship between a father and his son. In this case, it's Belarusian strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka -- affectionately referred to as Europe's "last dictator" -- and his 6-year-old son, Kolya.

Correspondent Courtney Brooks looks at the surprising role that a group of Serbian pro-democracy activists -- integral in the overthrow of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic -- are playing in the revolutions currently sweeping North Africa and the Middle East.

In our "Meet the Bloggers" segment, Washington Bureau chief Heather Maher talks to Golnaz Esfandiari of "Persian Letters." As Golnaz explains, Iran's bloggers -- which "Persian Letters" closely monitors -- offer a window into Iranian politics and society that can't be found anywhere else.

Golnaz Esfandiari
And last but not least, editors Pete Baumgartner and Merkhat Sharipzhan of our "From Our Bureaus" desk fill us in on some significant stories from RFE/RL's broadcast region -- reported by journalists in our 20 local bureaus -- that aren't getting the traction they deserve in the Western press. You'll be shocked by the horrific experience endured by a candidate for Belarus's presidency, who was imprisoned and tortured in a KGB prison for having the gall to protest the result of December's election, widely considered to have been fraudulent. The winner of that poll? See above.

This week's host is Grant Podelco.

Listen to or download the latest episode of "The Blender" below or subscribe to "The Blender" on iTunes. For previous episodes of "The Blender," click here.

RFE/RL's The Blender -- 3/04/11
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