Kosovo's decreasing Serb population has taken part in elections held since 1999, when a NATO bombing campaign wrested control of the Serbian province from Belgrade, leaving the province an international protectorate.
But Kosovo's Serbs have threatened to boycott the upcoming elections, citing a lack of security and attacks on Serbs by Kosovo's majority Albanian population.
Freivalds echoed statements made by other international diplomats, saying the only way for Serbs in Kosovo to be fairly represented is if they vote in elections.
The demonstrators in Belgrade rallied outside the building where Freivalds was meeting with top government officials from Serbia and Montenegro.
But Kosovo's Serbs have threatened to boycott the upcoming elections, citing a lack of security and attacks on Serbs by Kosovo's majority Albanian population.
Freivalds echoed statements made by other international diplomats, saying the only way for Serbs in Kosovo to be fairly represented is if they vote in elections.
The demonstrators in Belgrade rallied outside the building where Freivalds was meeting with top government officials from Serbia and Montenegro.