Bavarian state Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber and the Central Council of Jews on 19 February blasted "Valley Of The Wolves -- Iraq" ("Kurtlar Vadisi -- Irak") as anti-American and anti-Semitic and called on German cinemas to stop showing the picture.
The movie is based on an actual event -- the arrest of 11 Turkish soldiers by a U.S. military unit in northern Iraq in July 2003 on grounds of "suspicious activity."
The men were held for two days, their heads bagged, before being released without explanation. The incident dealt a severe and lasting blow to relations between Turkey and the United States, long-time NATO allies.
The film features a Turkish intelligence officer who exacts revenge for the episode, and depicts sadistic violence against innocent Iraqi civilians at the hands of the U.S. troops.
U.S. soldiers are also seen running a trade in organs extracted from prisoners at Baghdad's notorious Abu Ghurayb prison under the guidance of a Jewish U.S. military doctor for rich buyers in New York, London, and Tel Aviv.