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Tatar-Bashkir Report: March 30, 2005

30 March 2005
Agriculture Minister Says Bread Price Will Remain Stable
Deputy Prime Minister and Agriculture Minister Marat Akhmetov told Tatar-inform on 29 March that the retail price of bread, which is considered a serious factor affecting social stability in Tatarstan, will remain at its present level. Akhmetov confirmed that the price of grain is currently low. However, he also said that the new harvesting season could push up prices of fuel and lubricants for agricultural machinery, which could cause a spike in grain and bread prices.

Daily Notes Shaimiev's Tendency To Lobby For Tatar Interests
The monthly rating of Russia's top regional lobbyists published by "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" on 29 March cited Tatar President Mintimer Shaimiev as the third major promoter of his republic's interests. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov was named in first and Kemerovo Governor Aman Tuleev was rated 5th.

Islamic College Officially Registered In Kazan
Kazan Islamic College has become the second religious school to be officially registered as a higher-educational institution with the republic's Education Ministry, Tatar-inform reported on 29 March. The college, which has been operating for over two years, is reportedly popular among students from Russia and CIS countries.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi