23 December 1998
Tatarstan State Council Passed 1999 Budget
On 22 December, the Tatarstan State Council plenary session passed the Tatarstan 1999 state budget. It has a deficit of approximately 637 million rubles (about 32 million dollars). Prime Minister Rustam Minnikhanov told Tatarstan Television the same day that there may be difficulties with the budget's implementation. But he added that improved tax collections should resolve them. Under the terms of budget, tax rates will be cut. But the budget assumes the inflation will increase.Finance Minister Robert Musin told Tatarstan television that districts in Tatarstan for the first time will be allowed to retain ten percent of their tax collections for local social development.
President and Speaker in Moscow To Participate In Federation Council Session
On 22 December Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev and State Council Chairman Farid Mukhametshin left Kazan for Moscow to participate in a session of Federation Council, Tatarstan television reported.
Tatarstan Trade Union Leader Elected to Otechestvo Leadership
Tatarstan Trade Union leader Farida Gainullina was elected a member of the Central Council of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's political organization Otechestvo on 19 December. On 22 December, Tatarstan Trade Unions Federation Secretary Anatoly Fomin said the principles of the organization tcorrespond to the Tatarstan's interests. Gainullina said the main principles of the organization's politics are a market economy, support of domestic goods manufacturers, social guarantees for workers, and democratic elections.
Wage Arrears May Lead To Strike
Tatarstan television reports workers of Elmet Industrial Town Improvement Board are now threatening to stage a one-day strike on 24 December to demand wages they have not been paid since May.
Tatarstan to Deliver Helicopters to Nepal
REpresentatives of Tatarstan have signed a contract with the Nepalese government to deliver several MI-17 helicopters to Katmandu, Tatarstan television reported on 22 December.
KamAZ-Master Racers Team To Participate In 1999 Rally
A KamAZ-Master racers team left Chally for Granada on 23 December to participate in a Granada - Dakar 1999 rally. KamAZ trucks will start from Spain on December 30.
Compiled by G.Khasanova