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Srebrenica Widow To Get New Home After TV Appearance

Nezira Sulejmanovic stands in front of her damaged home near Srebrenica.
Nezira Sulejmanovic stands in front of her damaged home near Srebrenica.
SARAJEVO -- A Bosnian woman whose husband and two sons were killed in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre is having her home rebuilt after a TV broadcast showed her difficult living situation, RFE/RL's Balkan Service reports.

Nezira Sulejmanovic returned to her severely damaged home in the eastern Bosnian village of Djogazi three years ago. She lives alone in the house with a leaky roof and had no running water or electricity.

TV Liberty, a weekly television program broadcast by RFE/RL in Bosnia-Herzegovina, last week aired a program about Sulejmanovic and her troubles.

The next day, she said, visitors arrived at her home offering help. They included workers from the U.S.-based Catholic Relief Service, who promised to fund the reconstruction of Sulejmanovic’s home.

"Thanks to the journalists, I will get a new house," Sulejmanovic told RFE/RL.