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Ethnic Standoff Defused In Southern Kyrgyzstan

Hundreds of local Kyrgyz gathered in Aravan's central market to demand an investigation into a reported stabbing incident.
Hundreds of local Kyrgyz gathered in Aravan's central market to demand an investigation into a reported stabbing incident.
ARAVAN, Kyrgyzstan -- Dozens of ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz confronted each other in the southern Kyrgyz town of Aravan before dispersing, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

Kyrgyzstan's AKI Press news agency reported that on July 17, a 45-year-old ethnic Kyrgyz taxi driver was knifed by a local Uzbek. Some 500 local Kyrgyz gathered in Aravan's central market on July 18 to demand an investigation into the incident.

Aravan district head Paizilla Myrzabaramov told RFE/RL that the authorities had the situation under control and the crowd had dispersed.

Aravan is on the border with Uzbekistan about 23 kilometers west of the city of Osh. Its population is predominantly ethnic Uzbek.

More than 400 people were killed, hundreds injured, and many thousands left homeless in fighting one year ago between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz in the Osh and Jalal-Abad regions.

Read more in Kyrgyz here