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Gunmen On Motorbikes Torch 19 NATO Fuel Tankers In SW Pakistan

Similar attacks aimed at disrupting NATO supplies have been carried out in the past.
Similar attacks aimed at disrupting NATO supplies have been carried out in the past.
Gunmen on motorbikes in southwestern Pakistan have set ablaze at least 19 tanker trucks that were carrying fuel for NATO forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

Police say that on August 22 gunmen fired at the tankers about 25 kilometers south of Quetta as the truck drivers were waiting for a police escort on the main highway that leads into southern Afghanistan.

A police official, Ismail Kurd, said about a dozen gunmen were involved in the attack. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Taliban militants have carried out similar attacks in the past to disrupt supplies to foreign troops in Afghanistan.

Such attacks have caused NATO during the past two years to reroute about half of its cargo deliveries -- avoiding Pakistan altogether and arriving in Afghanistan from the north.

compiled from agency reports